my experiments with my own truth

Some people keep asking me “how do you do…?” about certain things in life or the way of being/ living…
I say “give it a try”. Not to live like me or being “me” – that would never (ever) work – but to live like me (if you want to put that way) being you.

At the end of the day, you’ll have made a big, yet peaceful, promise to yourself: to honor and kindly love you and life, honestly, by all means; to not compromise yourself – physically, emotionally, psychologically – in order to be easier among others, particularly your beloved ones. Living in truth from inside-out sustaining life on a strong pilar (or mantra – if you want – that you repeat to yourself every-day until it becomes as smooth and natural as your breath):
“I take care of myself. You take care of yourself. And we take care of each other(s).”

photo credits oceansandflow

I fail sometimes and I try again… so I fail better after that, and it keeps me truly connected with myself and my truth along this beautifully challenging journey.
( . . . )

::: And, honestly, I can’t tell you anything but my experiments with my own truth – let’s keep it that way – and let’s keep trying :::